Monday, May 22, 2006

Family History and BC Eagles

Greetings to all who are reading this. I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Mine was nothing special, but still relaxing!

Now, I know this really has nothing to do with anyone but my family, but I thought I would share it anyways. I had a little fun and entered my name on google and did a search. I came across stuff from me, but apparently there is a Daniel Ponsen in Holland playing in the Dutch basketball league, I am still trying to look further into that. Anyways, I came across something else really cool; apparently some distant relatives of mine made a family tree online from my Oma Ponsen's side of the family. It's really cool because it goes all the way back to the 1700's. It's really neat to see this. If you are really bored you can go to the website and try to find me and my family on there. For me, it's so sweet to see my family going that far back, I love it!!!

On another note, I was informed about a different website yesterday. It's called Eagle Eye. It's a site that's based out of British Columbia and what they have done is set up a live camera on an eagles nest. This has supposedly been going on since the young were still in the eggs, and people around the world have been watching the mother come and sit on the eggs and they could see them hatch etc. Now the young just basically eat sleep and peck at their wings?! I haven't seen the mother yet, but I am sure that if I wait around long enough I'll see her sometime. I find it to be kinda addicting, just sitting and watching the birds and wait for them to do something. Does this remind you about a movie at all??? 5 points to the one who can answer that question! Well, have yourself a great rest of the week,
That's all from me for now,
Dan Ponsen
Go with God!


At 5/22/2006 02:04:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

around 10pm our time the mom is there on the nest for the rest of the night...and wow our family tree is neat to see...

At 5/22/2006 08:57:00 PM, Blogger detayl said...

the first movie that came to my mind was Napolean Dynamite.. but maybe I'm wrong ;)

denise <><

At 5/22/2006 09:17:00 PM, Blogger Dan Ponsen said...

Well, that's a good guess, but not what I was looking for, keep guessing people, I want to see if anyone will guess correctly...who know's their movies?

At 5/25/2006 10:46:00 PM, Blogger brent g. miedema said...

The Truman Show!!!

At 5/25/2006 11:23:00 PM, Blogger Dan Ponsen said...

Wow, good call Brent, I am impressed!!! 5 points awarded to reality, these points mean nothing but you get them anyways!
So yes, that is the answer I was looking for, The Truman Show.

At 1/15/2008 06:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan,

I've read you little blog about me playing basketball in the Dutch league.
In a sense that's true. But i am retired now for a couple of years due to an injury. I used to play in the frst league and in the national team. I was also got a full scholarship for Duke University but got injured before i even got to move there.
My Dad is american en is still have some family in the US. But our family roots is in Holland. My Grandfather did a researches of the whole Ponsen Family-Tree and the earlest known Ponsen is burried near Tiel(Netherlands)around 1346.


Dan(iel) Ponsen

At 10/21/2008 04:33:00 PM, Blogger Roel said...

Hi Dan, I am the distant relative who publiced the family-tree you're talking about in your blog. I was looking for information about you and your sister and saw the family-tree. Amazing that internet, isn't it?
Would you be so kind to give me some information:
the date and place of birth of you and your sister, the place of birth of your parents?
And perhaps some more information for the family-tree.
Hope to hear from you soon,
yours sincerely,
Roel Huizing


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