Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pocket Bikes

ahh pocket bikes, how they would be so much fun! I actually saw a guy riding one on the lakeshore trail a little while ago and asked him how fast it can go, and he told me it can go up to something like 100km/hr. This just goes to show what a little engine can do...enjoy the clip!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


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Well hello from the dungeon!
Tim was over a little while ago at my house and he was assisting me with cleaning my pool. I was vacuuming while he was skimming the top. He made a comment and I came up with this:
5 Ways to use a Pool Skimmer

5. Might as well get the most obvious one out of the use it for it's original and real purpose, to actually skim the top of the pool and collect the dirt and leaves and whatever else is floating around in the pool.

4. Instead of using an actual butterfly net to catch butterflies, the skimmer will work just the same. And on those nights where the pesky mosquito's or black flies are out, you can just swing the skimmer on the pole all around you and I am sure you'll either distract or net a whole bunch of pesky bugs.

3. Since it's on a telescopic pole, you wait till your neighbor has people over and they all go insided for a minute, you can then extend the pole to it's full length and use the skimmer to net some free drinks and maybe even food from your neighbor, one can only hope they may even have a couple cold 'unopened' brewskies there too!

2. Instead of trying to 'permanently borrow' from your neighbor's, you could actually have some fun with them. This would require of them to have a pool or have at least a pool skimmer (why they would have one without having a pool is beyond me) and the two of you could play catch with a tennis ball over the fence while you are both in your separate pools. To take this a step farther, each of you make water balloons and have piles of them around your separate backyards. The skimmers are then used as your catapults and you try to get each other over the fence without looking through or over it, sorta a battleship type of game but you can do continual rapid fire at each other until you are both soaked.

1. Does everyone remember the Kraft Dinner commercials where the two guys in the dorm turn up the heat in the dorm they are in(I won't mention the reasons as of why they do it...). Well, an addition to that would be a pool skimmer. "How?" you ask. Well, after cooking their noodles, they need a way to drain out the boiling water, so all they have to do is pour them in the pool skimmer and since it is on a telescopic pole, open up the window and extend the pole outside and air out the noodles quickly. My suggestion for this is to make sure no one is below you because I doubt it that they would enjoy the ambulance ride to the hospital or the burning sensation on their skin.

That's all from the pool side,


Been A While

Well hello again!
I hope everyone is having a great summer. I know it's been a while since I've been out blogging. I guess you could say that I've had a dry spell of ideas, and well, there really have been no real exciting events that have happened in my life as of recent, unless you consider eat sleep work exciting?!?!

Alright, time to start back off with some humour. I recently had a couple friends over at my house and the three of us were just relaxing in the pool until we got the idea to start whipping each other with pool noodles. It truly was quite funny to see two guys attack and whip each other as hard as they wanted with the noodles(realistically it doesn't hurt that much to be whipped with the noodle). I am sure you had to be there to see it, but Rob, Anthony, and I were deffinately able to get rid of any aggression we had stored up that night, good times!

So I started playing hockey again 3 weeks ago, that's hockey in the middle of the summer! I do have to admit, it's kinda wierd but so cool(no pun intended;) ) going to the arena in summer clothes and not all bundled up in a winter coat like I probably would in the winter. I also splurged and got a new pair of skates. Now if you ask anyone who plays hockey, they'll tell you that a good pair of skates can assist in making your game. These skates of mine are awesome, so comfortable and better than my old used up pair from...the early 90's?!?!, who knows when. I truly have been blessed to have been able to purchase them. I've played 3 games and have 2 assists, so it's a good start with getting back into playing the game I love the most! Now there's a topic I just love to talk about(really, I can't wait till the sumer is over). Some of you know that I have struggled with a couple people I have to work with on the same crew. Well, as an update, the guy who was really slow had a family emergency and isn't coming back( I do continue to pray that things are ok with him and his family, but he just wasn't cut out for landscaping so we are glad that he is gone although his circumstances are unfortunate..) so my boss hired another new guy from another company. This guy is amazing, he's fast, learned the sites quick and is a really nice benefit to our crew. God has really blessed my foreman and I from both going crazy babysitting the other guy and now having this super fast one who took his place.

Well, that's my update for everyone. I really am going to try and continue back on with the blogging thing again, I am currently in the middle of editing my template, so I can inspire myself to write more!
That's all for now,

-thanks to everyone who has the countdown going until school starts
-and yes the blue is a very close match to the TML blue